7 – the time we dropped Aidan off at Grandma and Grandpa’s so we could make it to Sáin’s endo appointment at Children’s on time.
2 – the number of security “check points” now required to get into Children’s. (One flu check and one security badge check)
34.5 – the number of kilograms Sáin now weighs. (about 76 pounds – only 6 pounds less than I weighed when I started high school!)
139.1 – the number of centimeters tall Sáin is. (about 4 ft 7.75 inches)
4.4 – the number of centimeters she’s grown in only 3 months! (that’s 1.75 inches!)
8 – Sáin’s A1C. Not as good as we would like but it will be better next time.
205 – what an 8 A1C equates to in BG averages
6 – the number of fasts we get to do in the next two weeks in order to reset her basal rates. (I say “we” because I do the fasts with Sáin. It’s unfair to make a kid fast alone.)
.4 – the bolus Sáin needs to give herself before disconnecting for karate. I’ve been reluctant to give a bolus before karate for fear of lows but a jump of 1.1 in her A1C changed my (and her endo’s) thinking
75 – Sáin’s new sensitivity setting on her pump. (This mainly just means she’s getting bigger and requires more insulin. It’s her first sensitivity change since diagnosis.)
And, most importantly to Sáin, 3 – the number of weeks until she’s officially a 4th grader!