Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fall/Autumn – whatever you call it, I love it!

(Before I start – I realize it’s still August and that my love-fest with a season has precious little to do with our life with diabetes but it’s either this or a rant about the whole CGM thing so I think this is a preferable choice.)

I love fall. I think it truly is my favorite season.

I love the changing leaves, the cool air, and the start of school.

I love the rain, the wind and thunderstorms.

I love weekend football games in an open stadium and trying to cram way too many people under one stadium blanket.

I love that smell in the air that tells you winter is just around the corner and I love all the holidays.

I love that Sáin’s blood sugars are better in the fall and I love that I don’t have to mow as often in the fall.

But what I love most of all about fall is HOCKEY. Oh, my Leafs, you have no idea how much I needed you this summer. I’ve missed you terribly and I can’t wait to see you again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I *love* fall, too -- the colors, the cooler weather, that crisp autumn smell. I'm totally with you on this.